Liberation of The Life

                                                                                                                                                                  All devotees of God are supposed to be liberated in this life. Man takes human birth millions of time to become spiritual; after becoming spiritual, they reach God man as par law of karma so that they can have liberation and merge in God. This is the goal of life as declared by scriptures as well as by God man .Individual soul, in form of Jivatma, like a river  is supposed to merge in supreme soul, God who is the ocean of consciousness. If not, man has to take rebirth again and again and suffer immensely as this is the world of illusion; all temporary pleasures are alternating with pain too. As fish can’t live long without water, individual soul also can not live in peace without merging in God from whom he originated.
Liberation of The Life
How to get liberation from human desires so that one may merge in God while living or after death? Answer is given in Gita,a Hindu treatise of highest spirituality, a dialogue of truth by Lord Krishna to Arjuna-representing human beings. We should take those teachings pertaining to our battlefield of life on earth. Gita declared, “ Salpassya dharmasya trayete mohoto Bhayat” meaning, little practice of righteousness can save us from eternal perversions life after life. I am requesting you to follow one unique statement of Gita which was told to me by my sat guru Sathya Sai Baba while I was apprehensive that some calamity will fall on me as was told. In that pensive mood, I was walking in city road to reach bus stop. I heard a voice, “ Annanya cintayete mam,je jona pariupasete,tesam nitya avijuktanam,Yogoskhema bahamham” meaning : people who prays to God with steadfastness remaining one with Him, God takes care of them completely. I know the meaning, so my impending problem was solved miraculously. This was told to me so that I become deserving the Grace of God. Same thing was meant for Arjuna  in Gita episode. All devotees of God should strive to reach that state of pure unsullied devotion to Lord or their Guru. We should not think all other human beings or animals as Annya, meaning separate from us. Spark of God in form of Jivatma is there in all human beings .That way, we can not hate anybody, rather only love will reign supreme. God wants us to remain healthy both in body and mind so that we can finish the task assigned to us in this life. For that, he made scriptures, sent so many saints and He Himself came in form of Sathya Sai Baba to educate mankind.

To reach that state of mind when God takes complete care of us is through devotion-love for God. For sustaining love of God, we require some knowledge too. Baba advised us so many things, but devotees are not following those injunctions strictly as they do not know the reasons behind. It is our task to explain such advice so that people may follow and get the benefit out of it. For example, Baba said, ‘ T.V. is T.B”. It means television is like the disease tuberculosis, a degenerative disease which kills people. Many years back, a study was done in Chennai, diabetic clinic by Dr. Mohan and they found prevalence of diabetes in children is more among those who see television for long hours. Recently, one major study in USA declared that those who see television more than 4 hours par day have more chances of sudden heart attack, high blood pressure, diabetes and cancer. Is not it enough for devotees to learn the justification of Baba’s scientific statement prohibiting television for us from those scientific data. It is commonsense that like junk food, television serials and films are polluting our mind by feeding us mental garbage of all nonsense. More perverted things are shown there than educative stuff. Young mind is more vulnerable. Hindu religion says, man attains next birth according to his thought at last moment of his death. Just imagine an old man dies while seeing vulgar dance in television. Will he be liberated even if he thought himself as a devotee of God? God wants full time devotion to liberate people from bondage of birth and death. Baba also advised his devotes not to take alcohol, drugs and tobacco. These are poisonous and lead to so many diseases like cancer. Cause of cancer is mostly related with alcohol and tobacco use. Baba advised all to shun meat and fish. Antibiotic given to animals goes to people who take the flesh and infection by those resistant organisms in meat may give rise to chronic ill health. Preservative in non-veg food may be carcinogenic, thus increasing rate of cancer. Fish exposed to nuclear fall out due experiment under water and nuclear spill out as happened in Japan Tsunami contaminate fish with nuclear radiation, thus inciting cancer among people who take it.

Baba said, there is only one religion that is religion of love. But fight is going on in name of religion all over the world. Let all devotees learn how all religions is one in spirit. Jesus was in India from 15 years to thirty years of age. Read the book, “Jesus lived in India “by Holger kersten. He learned Sanskrit and Pali. His Guru in Himalaya was Mahavatar Babaji about whom you may learn by reading “ Autobiography of a yogi” by Swami Yogananda. Babaji in form of Haidhakhan Baba disclosed to Shanti Mataji that He initiated Jesus to Kriya Yoga while he was with him in Himalayas. Mahavatar Babaji is the incarnation of Lord Shiva. One of Swami Yoganandas Christian disciple Swami Kriyananda wrote in his book. “ The path --Autobiography of a western Yogi “  that those three Eastern wise men who visited Jesus after his birth were Mahavatar Babaji, Lahiri Mahasaya and Yukteswar Giri in their astral form. They went in form of light and materialized themselves in front of Jesus. If you read “ Autobiography of a Yogi” you will find such things seen in Benares, India by Ramgopal Majumdar, one disciple of Lahiri Mahasaya. Jesus foretold Sai Baba’s coming by saying to his disciples, “He who hath sent me will come back again”. He pointed his finger to lamb when they asked how people will know him. Sound of lamb is “baba”. All these show how Christianity is so close to Hinduism. Swami Vivekananda said, “A true Hindu is a true Christian, a true Christian is a true Hindu, a true Moslem is a true Hindu.” But misinterpretations of religion by some of its leaders are making all mankind fight on religion. We should make people understand that, there is only one religion, religion of Love as Love is God. Even tomb of Jesus and Mother Mary are in Rosabel, Kashmere,India. .  Now, let us see how Hinduism and Islam are connected so closely. Both are praying to same God Lord Shiva. In Kaba mosque, it is Lord Shiva whom they pray. Only, they changed the name, they call it, Sungay Aswad. In this context I remember one true story. Once one Iranian lady got interview with Sai Baba and asked Baba to give her one memento. Baba materialized one Shiva Linga and presented to her. She objected saying it a Hindu symbol, Baba said, “what is there in Kaba Mosque,it is same Shiva linga only”. She told others and I came to know that way. One saint told me that one Moslem who was serving Kaba Mosque for more than 12 years took photograph of that Shivlinga of Kaba Mosque and did not understand the inscription on that Shivlinga. He left kaba and became a Christian and wrote a book on that issue. When he went to Germany in search of the meaning of the line which was not in Arabic, he was told that it is Sanskrit language and the sentence is “ Ohm Namo Shivaya”. Because terrorist Moslems do not know all these, they are ready to destroy India and other non-Muslim countries. If you read the book, “ I am  harmony “by Ghana shyam, who was a lawyer of Washington D.C by  his Christian name Charls Swan, you will find one Moslem of Mecca came to India in search Of Babaji of Himalaya; at that time Babaji was in house of Shammi kapoor,film actor of Mumbai,India. Shammi Kapoor’s wife asked him, “How you know Babaji as you are from Mecca?” He replied,” every 12 years, there takes place a secret Moslem meet of highest order in a hill near Mecca and there Babaji is the chief guest”. He saw Babaji there and developed reverence for Him, so he came to India to meet him. He came from Mecca without taking any food with vow of seeing Babaji first and so he refused the glass of water given to him by Shammi kapoors wife. As this was reported to Babaji, Babaji permitted her to call him inside. This book may be available in Google search; you can read it for yourself. Muhammad also predicted coming of Sathya Sai Baba by his prophesy on Mahdi Mood . All points written by Muhammad tallies with Sai Baba. Muhammad advised all Moslems to come to Sai Baba.In Koran,it is written,” La illala ha—“ meaning,  there is only one God. If all Moslem believe this main sentence of Koran, this world will be a heaven. Some of the religious leaders of Islam say, by name of jehad, Hindus and Christians are to be raped, killed etc. If only one God, then both Christians and Hindus were also created by same God, then all are brothers. Muhammad said in Koran” respect other religion”. Those isil terrorists spreading all over the world are not believing Islam in its true spirit and want to convert whole world, even killing moderate good Moslems also all over the world. You may remind all good Moslems to come forward and stop terrorism as Bangladesh Moslem leaders did recently; sending Fatwa against terrorism, suicide for killing etc.

 Lord Shiva unites all religion. Recently, one Hindu lady saint declared that Jesus has merged in Lord Shiva. All these show that all religion is one in spirit and we should love all and serve all as advised by Baba. By the way, Indian Moslems were all converted from Hindus only to save their life from most anti Hindu Moslem kings who invaded India ;history testify to it. When Guru Govind sing’s son refused to get converted to Islam, he was killed mercilessly by Aurangzeb. Ordinary Hindus got converted to Islam with out any resistance due to fear of life. After getting converted, they forgot their fore fathers and now a lot of them hate the Hindu religion. One of my Moslem classmate confided to me that all family titles recorded in their family history are Hindu above his grandfather. Mankind should not forget the history; original meaning of history is His story.  Let me come back to Baba’s teachings.

Baba said, “Do not take bribe and do not give bribe” But people are corrupt and doing that rampantly as they do not know the law of Karma. Cause and consequence, deed and destiny are scientific facts. Newton described it in physics. As a devotee of God, all spiritual people should refrain from doing such wrong things. If men commit such mistake, men may not get human birth even in next life but life of animals like dog, pig etc. Let me tell you one real story. I was sitting in Kulwant hall of Sai Baba ashram, Puttaparthi, one Australian doctor was sitting by my side and he told one of his interviews with Baba to prove   Baba is God. He told, he got interview with Baba. He asked Baba to bless him so that he can win one court case in Australia where one Crore rupee was taken from him by his manager to start a business but he was cheated. Case was to get back that money from his ex-manager. Baba did not bless him to get the money; rather said, “I am very happy that you lost that money”. The doctor wanted to know the reason why Baba said so. Baba told him that he was a priest of a temple in Tamilnadu in his last life. And he used to take money secretly from temple fund which was given by devotees for cause of temple. After knowing this, he did not contest that case in Australia. This highlights law of Karma. But now, so many government officials and others in charge of temple are taking public money given for the cause of God and earning awful bad karma for which they have to suffer in next life if not this life. Our Sai Baba devotees and all devotees of lord should know law of karma and should not do such crimes. Baba inspired me to write this and so I am writing. Temples should not be taken by government so that spiritual people of temple trust run the show of spiritual and social activities of temple with Dharma. Kindly teach law of karma to young generation so that they can be liberated.

Some devotees may think that they have done some wrong deeds, what will happen to them. God is merciful; if man repent and accept injunctions of scriptures and words of God man in their life  and practice it; they may be forgiven by Grace of God, thus karma will be attenuated, may be deleted also. It is never late to surrender to God; any amount of sin of last life and this life can be forgiven by God if man strives in the path of truth by loving all and serving all. By the way, to know how to get conscious liberation from human body as Yogis do, read - Bhagavatam.

Baba cured so many diseases of millions of people, even cancer by saying,” Your cancer is cancelled” why? Because he wanted his devotees should live longer with good health to do more good actions, righteousness or Dharma, so that they can be liberated from disease of repeated births. But most people have no gratitude and revert back to their old bad habit of malignant thoughts, ill will against others. That’s why Golden age is coming late which Baba declared in 1999. Denmark is the happiest country and India is 118 in the list as declared in March, 2016.Not only, India, whole world devotees of God should tread the path of truth so that whole world becomes nuclear bomb free world, peaceful world to live. We must bring Golden age when all will be liberated from shackles of ignorance and bondage even while alive.

For Liberation this life, man should not have any fear of death. If man dies with fear, he is to take birth again to live out the object of fear. To make devotees fearless, God advocated us to put Vibhuti on forehead. Vibhuti signifies the end of human body, when it is burned in Hindu system, it becomes ashes. So, by putting Vibhuti,we remind ourselves that we should not take living body again like ashes where no life is there. Putting Vibhuti also encourages us to burn out all   our petty desires and attachment; to remind us that Baba advised us to put Vibhuti on forehead. For liberation this life, we have to rise our Kundalini power to higher center, that region of forehead where we put Vibhuti is having Agna chakra of Serpent power ;so igniting that place by putting divine ash there, we indirectly aspire to develop  intuition of truth. That way, we defeat devil or ignorance. Vibhuti reminds us that death may come any time and ask us, are we prepared for that? This is called Mrithuchinta-contemplation on ultimate result of human existence, which in turn makes us wiser in spiritual advancement. Our next life depends on what we think in last moment of death. If we do not think of divinity or chant name of God from now onwards, in time of death, good thoughts or thought of God will not come. To make us habituated to divine thoughts, Baba advocated Vibhuti on forehead. It also teaches-- unity is divinity. If people put vibhuti, other people, who are also devotees, feel unity among themselves. A trade mark of God is putting Vibhuti on forehead. That way, one devotee learns who else’s are also devotees, so that they can interact in time of need as part of social help. Modern youths ask, why Sai Baba devotees put Vibhuti, you can tell them all these. Reading spiritual texts or hearing while other tells also help immensely in spiritual advancement. That’s why, chanting of Bhagavata,Ramayana,Mahavharat,Gita etc  were so common in earlier days. I recommend some books for youths so that they develop insight into human life. Read books on Sathya Sai Baba, Sai Satchritamrit,by Hemant pad,a book on life and teaching of Shirdi Sai Baba; Gita;  “Autobiography of A Yogi” by Swami Yogananda; “ Gospel Of Ramakrishna” by Sri M; books written by Mother of Pondicherry; ‘Awaken Children” by Mata Amritanandamoyi of Kerala,India. Remember if man is to evolve, he must be alone with himself. It means, one should be introvert for higher reasons; not extrovert. Extroversion; Smartphone and internet friendship makes energy loss and restlessness. Remaining alone conserves energy to pursue higher realms of life. Animals have total body consciousness, we are human beings, and we must have God consciousness; that make us more powerful instead of remaining at mercy of nature. A spiritual man can decide his course of life; ordinary man is at the mercy of his fate or simple destiny. Grace of God can change any negative destiny. So we need spirituality in this life thus getting liberation from chronic disease of repeated birth. Is not human life full of sufferance!

In time of Shirdi Baba,he used to ask for Dakshina[donation of little money],what for? It is to teach us nonattachment. In Hindu society, when Brahmin do some worship   for benediction to other devotees or perform marriage ceremony, worship of different forms of God for some material and spiritual benediction, people give some dakshina in form of money or material. This giving inspire us to develop non attachment to material possessions and it also help survival of those Brahmin priests who have to survive to confer religious benefit to other  people who need their service. Money is to be circulated to confer benefits to more people.

Suppose, some rich fellow donate money to spiritual organization like Sai Baba trust or any other spiritual trust who utilizes money to serve people; then he earns some good karma as his money help some needy and deserved one. That action helps him to get liberation. That’s why kings were donating a lot of property to Brahmins and other good people. By Brahmin, I mean spiritual people. If we donate money to unworthy, we earn bad karma. Jesus said, “do not throw pearls in front of Swain, that  will trample  it, and come back and rend you.” Matthew 7:6;Bible. Do not tell about God man to bad people.

Beware of intelligent people; they are double edged weapon. They can destroy mankind or serve society constructively. Intellectuals and so called intelligent people are lacking in common sense. That is the tragedy infesting present generation of mankind. Such people are not getting liberated mostly; that’s the reason, I am writing this article to remind them what they should do. Intelligent people are to be taught law of spiritualism; mostly law of karma; that way, they won’t harm mankind. Wise people and devotees of God who are reading this article are requested to render that social service. Educated and intelligent people are more dishonest now due to lack of knowledge on law of karma. They do not know that what wrong they are doing now, they have to pay it with compound interest in later life or in next life. I have a true story to authenticate my statement.

That incident happened some 20 years back in Nepal. One young employee of Nepal kingdom went to a village area in connection with tax collection. Village elders reported about their tax giving plan etc and served him lunch; after which he was sleeping for some time. After that, the employee was supposed to come back by horse riding. Suddenly, village elders observed that the young man was rattling and his respiration stopped. They were worried about whom to inform, how to inform that such government guy died in their village; police may suspect foul play etc . After his death, he saw two black dressed agent of Lord of death Yama were dragging him through dry sand flogging him constantly saying that he was a thief; cunning, selfish, cheated so many people and so on and so forth but all allegations were denied by the young dead man throughout. When those agents made him enter the court of Yama; the main official observing the denial of the young man; shouted,” Return him; he is not the person I told you to bring; the old man of the same village having same name is the culprit. This young man belongs to other village, he went on duty there. You made great mistake. Send him back.” Almost after one hour, suddenly the dead man woke up and asked why so many anxious people were around him. Exactly, same time, those villagers heard crying spell of relatives of that old man who was a real cunning guy. They got the news of death of that old man having same name as the visiting young man. That young man related that story to a saint of Nepal who was a Sai devotee. The saint did not believe it and took the address of that village where such incident took place. After few days, that saint went to that village by walking after some bus  rout and confirmed the incident; one woke up from dead and other dying at the same time ; both having same name. That saint told me this story when I went to Nepal and was doing satsang with him. He used to come to Puttaparthi also and I met him in Puttaparthi so many times. May I remind all devotees of God that they must have done a lot of good actions in their past lives to become a devotee in this life! Devotees of God are not ordinary people. They can get liberation from repeated cycle of forceful coming and going from this earth. A liberated soul can take rebirth to do good karma; to stay near incarnation of God, or with their Guru or to do some more spiritual actions; they come voluntarily by choosing their own parents.Nothing is predictable. Nobody knows what he will be in next life. Little mistake, one may slide back to animal birth as happened to two Shirdi Baba devotees; one became snake and the other became frog. Why take risk; this life one has reached God man like Sai Baba, then this is the best time for him to seek liberation. To get liberation in this life, one must stay away from all Medias and internet. No newspaper reading; use inner net of divinity.

The path of liberation is no cake walk. Rituals for long years may not confer liberation as desires in deep subconscious pockets remain and lark upon people in any weak moments. The path of knowledge, through discrimination is better one. Devotion without divine knowledge may falter any moment. Kriya yoga,the highest yoga ,  as taught by Lord Krishna to Arjuna is most relevant in this age of kali for sure shot liberation from diseases of repeated birth and its associated  sufferance. Lahiri Mahasaya revived Kriya yoga  after getting permission of Mahavatar Babaji,the incarnation of Lord Shiva. Babaji is the deathless Avatar about whom you may learn from the  book, “ Autobiography of a yogi” by Swami Yogananda.To overcome body consciousness, one has to transmute energy centers to change molecules of body from weakness of mundane body attachment like beasts to divine love of Yogis. Kriya yoga raise kundalini power and transmutes brain cell to higher energy level from where control of senses become easier. Kriya can prolong life . A kriya yogi does not depend on his past karma or genetic propensity; he gets inspiration from constant integrated awareness. He is in constant touch with God; self realized, serene and blissful. Kriya yoga is the best path to attain tranquility of mind. In India, Yogoda satsang society,Dakshineswar,Kolkata  is dispensing Kriya technique after some yoga lessons; one may contact them. Other Gurus are there, who gives Kriya diksa- initiation. Babaji takes care of all Kriya Yogis if they get initiated by Gurus who are in touch with Babaji. In international level, Kriya is taught by self realization fellowship of Sansfransico,California and Washington DC. I was initiated by Anandmoy Giri of self realization fellowship Sansfransisco. He was direct disciple of Yoganandji. While giving initiation, he told that his Guru initiates people through him. In spite of my initiation by Swami Yogananda, I owe more allegiance to Babaji; he is so compassionate. Basal instincts get transmuted by Kriya as higher spinal center ,not lowest mulladhara, guides daily activity of a kriya yogi. Serpent power may get raised by some other means also, but that usually does not last long; it may fall back precariously, giving rise to nervous diseases. If serpent power is misused as many do, they have to suffer badly in this life or in any other subsequent lives. If one’s attitude is not pure, one should not practice kriya; it may give rise to complications and sufferance.

Modern teens are experimenting human love by unsafe means as some perverted teachings are made by name of education. Thus, contagious diseases are increasing like AIDS; Hepatitis C and other diseases. Students are committing suicides; getting depressed, not studying properly, some are becoming drug addicts. Government is not stopping drug business. More drugs, more aids. Early marriages should be brought back to our society as advised by Sathya Sai Baba ;read “ Annyatha Saranam nasty- other than you  refuge ,there is none” a book on Baba by smt.Vijoyakumari. More late marriage, more divorces; you can not make a good looking doll by hard clay. Personality becomes rigid after 25 years. Mostly, in case of women, it is before 20 years. In early marriage, girls can adjust better in their in-laws house. After marriage; the girl can be kept in her father’s house for remaining education but it should be under mutual trust and good   relation. In such case, boy knows who his wife is; the girl knows who her husband is; possible exposure to perversions in mind and body level will not be required. They will be saved from getting such dirty diseases like aids etc and they will be in peace of mind. In other words, they will be happy in life. Whatever western world is throwing in dust bin; India is picking it up for use. It is   a shame for such a high spiritual culture like India. Alcohol, tobacco are less in western countries than India. Some rich uncultured people are practicing wife swapping by following animal culture with out understanding the grave psychological implications. You devotees of God must preach people to stop all such nonsense activity.

Jesus said,” There is no man who that hath left house or brethren, or sisters or father or mother or wife, or children, or lands, for my sake, and the Gospel’s, but he shall receive an hundred fold now in this time, houses, and brethren, and sisters, and mothers and children, and land, with persecution and in the world to come eternal life.” Mark:10:29-30[ Bible] Meaning  is that , those who leave their family and remain celibate to help society get more brothers, sisters, mothers than they leave in long run but they are also prone for prosecutions from people but he assured all those that they will get peace in heaven. It means their next life will be glorious and or they may directly merge in God. Those Brahmacharis and saints do a lot of social service and that way, their boundary of selfishness gets enlarged and becomes totally unselfish. So, my dear brothers and sisters, kindly do not grieve when society criticizes and assails you; because you are in peace with God if not now perchance, in next life; this is the law of Karma.

One should be always benevolent and strives his best to come out of wrong thinking. If one seeks liberation in this life; he must abstain from all sorts of pleasure seeking as all such acts leads one to perpetual death. One slips back to unconsciousness; fall from higher center of serpent power to lower one. Progression becomes regression. One should not fall back to inconscient   under any pretext of pleasure seeking. Continence, from time immemorial is the rule for those who aspire for self empowerment and self realization. When you go to higher level, continence must be replaced by total abstinence. All desires and impulses must be eliminated from mental and physical level. Our transformation should proceed from within to outward, which result in external transformation in physical beings. That gives glorious aura of sainthood, seen by other saints and holy man. Saintly people refuse mundane pleasures to enjoy delight of human existence in real health and spirit.
Embodiment of love, God has planted so many saints in this world to guide you but you are not going to them for your strong ego. If one saint falters that does not mean all saints are fake. God said, all saints are different pearls of his garland of pearls. Saints are private secretary of God; it is easier to meet a prime minister through secretary than directly. God is million times more powerful than prime minister, so he has got lakhs of secretaries to serve under him.

For your physical and mental best health, you must have absolute trust. This absolute trust in your body’s healing ability is more vigorous in younger age. Some villagers and simple hearted people, whenever any physical complaints or injury occur in their body; they ignore it with absolute trust that it will be over like passing cloud. And it really happens. They are positive thinkers. But dynamic faith works in all ages. Dynamic faith depends on Grace of God. One should have faith that his Sat guru  or form of God whom he believes will protect him always whatever mishap may happen. To maintain that dynamic faith, one must be very sincere in path of spirituality.

For liberation, this life, one has to practice dristi samyam—control of gaze. It means, one should not look at others unnecessarily. Laksman,brother of Rama never looked at any women other than his mother and wife. He did not look at the face of Sita even. Another saint who did such gaze control is Swami Pranabananda , the founder of Bharat sevasram sangha, head quarter at 211, Rashbehari avenue ;  Kolkata, India. Human mind is like a mad monkey. When one looks at women, for example, he may feel attachment. To fulfill those attachment, he may require millions of births, in every birth, he adds to more attachment. Love and hatred, both have implications. If we look less to others, we get less bondage. That’s why; some people go to caves of Himalayas to meditate. If you have divine knowledge and Grace of God, then only you can look at people, can have interaction with people; at the same time, remain merged in God. Only few people can do that. So, in younger age, man and women must control looking at others. Earlier days, Hindu   married women in India would use part of their dress [sari] to cover up their face while talking with seniors, or unknown people.

Dear Swamis students; you are selected by Baba because of your past life good deeds, you must strive hard so that you do not miss liberation in this life or in next life. After Prem Sai goes, next 2000 years, no avatar is coming as declared by Baba. So, this is unique chance, all should avail it. Swami’s students are example to society, so they must behave accordingly. They should wear white dress only meaning no dark spot exists in their character. That is the dress code of white army including sevadal. Have full faith in Baba and follow his injunctions; liberation is yours. Dear devotees of God ,do not underestimate yourselves. A child may fall many times before it learns walking; similarly a sadhak [ aspirant] may fall many times from path of truth, he must strive until he becomes stable in path of spirituality. God helps him, who helps himself. Children must be taught spirituality and love for physical culture so that they do not develop deformity of body; if it is there, it will be corrected.  Yogic postures and breathing exercises are to be taught to them. Spiritual books and life stories of great yogis and satgurus must be read in younger age to get liberated from bondage of sensory pleasures; thus getting liberated while alive. Holy company is a prerequisite for liberation from ignorance.

Lord Krishna said in Gita, “Only Grace of God can redeem you, not by your intelligence, information or by your hearing of lectures”. I do believe it. How to earn Grace of God, by keeping one’s heart open to accept the truth; loving all and serving all. Grace of God depends on law of karma. To earn Grace of God, one must maintain purity of word, thought and deed. Destiny results from our past deed of this life and other past lives.

When your child goes out of house and does not return by evening from his play, what do you do? You go out and search for him, you call him loudly so that you get response but if he does not return for long time, you suppose that he has died or lost somewhere you do not know. In that case, the child even if not died, forgets you in his new environment and never returns to you. God send his children Jivatma-----individual soul from Him with the hope that the individual soul will come back to Him after the game of life is played. How many plays?1000,10000 or more. If too much delay, too much attachment to new non divine environment, the child forgets the father and may become demonic in place of his original divine nature due changes in genetic structure. Like father coming to search his son to take back home his beloved children; God comes to earth in form of Avatar to take his children back home—to give liberation from playfulness in material world. So Lord Krishna came to this world in form of Sathya Sai Baba and delivered speeches for 84 years but it fell to deaf ear, how many returned to divine ways, I mean Jivan muktha? What I mean to say is why I am writing about the need of liberation which most of the mankind do not know. So, you should not delay millions of years to go back to your goal of life, to go back home- return to the state of blissful existence. God sends thousands of saints and sages for the same purpose so that His children are not lost in wilderness of crazy perverted life.

Embodiment of Love, it is a matter of regret that most mankind does not believe in saints. This is media effect, media represent evil power mostly and they always malign God man, including Sathya Sai Baba. They get money from vested powers. Most of them are foreign agents. Do not trust them. True saints are there. Go to Amritanandamoyi Ma of Amritapuri, Kerala. Whole world salutes her. Most of the time, she remains in western world. Why should they call a Hindu saint if they do not get peace of mind by revering her? Let me tell you one true story. One saint, who lived in Himalaya for a long time, came down to a small town of Assam to serve people. A lot of ladies used to go to him for their problems, husband’s and children’s health problem and for their own spiritual solace. One young boy suspected the saint as par his tendency of thought. He thought, the saint was a womanizer. One night, he went to watch the saint what he was doing in his hut, he poked the thatched wall to peep inside the hut where the saint was living. He did not see any women there but saint meditating, a small lamp was burning. Next day morning, he discovered that he has become blind in that eye. He was intelligent; he went to the saint and cried and asked for restoration of sight. The saint replied, “You are lucky, you did not see with both eyes, otherwise both eye would have been blind. Only few people understood Ramakrishna Paramhamsa while he was alive. Swami Vivekananda saw his miracles in his life and he believed his Guru as God. You require experience to understand God man. For that, loyalty to God man is a must. Swami Vivekananda has full loyalty to his Guru. When he went to America to preach Hinduism, some Americans made a plot to kill him and they gave poison in a glass of water in one dinner. While Swamiji was about to drink water from that poisonous glass, his Guru Ramakrishna came inside the glass and said,” do not take the water, poison is there”. He survived. This is power of Indian Gurus. Swami Yogananda, although an Indian Hindu monk, his devotees were 90%Christians and he ruled America for more than 30 years. Mother of Pondicherry, a French lady, although Christian, her devotees were 90% Hindus of India. All these show universality of religion; there is only one religion, religion of love. We should bring back Guru System in India. Lord Rama has human Guru; Lord Krishna had human Guru Sandiponi Muni. They did not require Guru but to teach us the need of Guru in human life. When Swami Yogananda was told to deliver a speech on a certain subject while he was going by ship to America, he could not speak for 10 minutes, then he heard his Gurus voice and started speaking like an English man. He did not remember anything what he spoke. But for that maiden speech, he got so many invitations to speak in America.

Man is living with constant fear of death. So much fear does not allow mankind to live peacefully. By surrendering to God and believing that life is a game of God; where we should follow His rules, we may eschew fear. No fear of death, Vhibuti reminds the ultimate result of human existence. When time of death comes, no one can escape. If time has not reached, man survives miraculously. So many such instances are there. When we accept the inevitability and accept death as normal phenomena, we develop sense of immortality. Soul does not take birth, does not die either. Human body is a dress which is to be changed if we require more experience of human lives. When soul is ripe with wisdom of Maya-the illusory world, then it drops getting liberation from rebirth. The theory of Maya can be learned from Newton’s theory of motion. Every action has its opposite reaction. There is polarity in every atom. Every atom has got electron and proton. One is negative, other is positive. Likewise, in human life, happiness and sorrow come alternately. Law of opposite is the fabric of Maya. We must transcend Maya to be wise enough to reach the state of immortality.

You can sing the song sung by Adisankaracharya: “ Mono buddhi ahamkara,chittani na ahom;chidananda rupam,shivaham,Shivaham—“meaning there  by, “ I am not mind, ego nor intellect, I am God remaining always in blissful state”. Singing such songs and other devotional songs is a part of sadhana-spiritual pursuits. Repeated telling that we are not mind, we should be able to tame mind, and mind misleads us to trap of Maya-the aspect of duality. If we relax the mind, tension in body vanishes.

If we are in ordinary physical consciousness, then we must follow physical rules. That is for taking care of our health and mental well being. That’s why scriptures are laid down. We must follow injunctions of scriptures. Think of our past generations, they were living happily and longer. Now, even young people are dying from heart attack etc. Most of the people are diseased and living in distress. It is never late to follow truth. We must practice Yoga, both physical one in form of postures, and breathing exercises and mental one.

Brigadier Bose was a civil engineer working in Puttaparthi as par instruction of Sathay Sai Baba. Once ,when he died in the bhajan  hall while Sai Baba was giving discourse, some doctors came ,felt absence of pulse; they know not what to do, should they take the patient to hospital, at that time, they saw Baba signaling go away. They left the scene. When Baba’s speech was over, he came to Mr.Bose and called him, the dead body got up and he survived some more years. He wrote about that incident in his book; there he disclosed that when he died, a golden Eagle, Garura came to take his soul. He was about to board the Garura, that time Baba signaled the Garura bird to leave. That time, he again entered his body, he came back from death. What I want to say is that if we do good deed and have satguru like Sai Baba ,then when we die ,we get special privilege to go to Visnu loka, higher abode of heaven.

I know another true story that happened in Sathya Sai Baba super hospital, Puttaparthi. One devotee lady died there. After she died, another devotee lady saw in dream that a golden chariot came to hospital to take the departed soul and she boarded the chariot and she was taken to Vishnu loka. The lady who saw the dream, told me confidentially. That lady was going for Sai Baba’s darshan almost every day for many years, even if she was sick. She used to worship Sai Baba sincerely every day for long time after morning bath. Those aforementioned incidents teach us that God can grant liberation to His devotees so easily.

An old custom in India, when one dies, Ganges water is given to their mouth with Tulasi plant leaves. If Ganges water is not available, then simple water should be given to dying person. This is very important. Do you like to hear another true story on Tulasi leaves! Long time back, one Swamiji was wandering in Himalayas. While searching for a village at afternoon, one lady met him in jungle road and invited him for a dinner on occasion of her daughter’s marriage on that evening. That saint was hungry and asked about the marriage venue, she told that her people will instruct him in right time. The impressive middle aged lady left. He was walking alone; after few miles walk, a young boy approached the saint and told him to accompany him to marriage venue. He followed him and he saw a grand marriage hall, nobody was there but a lot of prepared food etc was there. He was very happy to get a good evening dinner. The boy vanished. He got scared. After some time, that lady who invited him came and told him to take food as it is already evening, he would be late. After he partook some food, the lady took him out of the hall and he finds himself in old jungle road. He could not understand the miracle. He asked her, but what about the marriage. She told, “ Swamiji, the marriage is cancelled. One Prince was supposed to die today afternoon and that man was to be given marriage with my daughter; so I arranged the marriage party. But when the prince was coming by horse and death came to him, he fell down by side of a Tulasi bush; when my people went to bring him for my daughters marriage; agents of Vishnu loka arrived there and argued with my people saying that as he died by touching Tulasi leaves,he is to be taken to Vishnu loka [ abode of God],thus the prince got  liberated. So I have to cancel the marriage. Swamiji , it was after death place where you were taken as you are a holy saint, I thought you will be an ideal marriage guest, Sorry.” This story was told to me by that Swamiji himself at Puttaparthi .Now, you may realize the holiness of planting Tulasi plant in every Hindu house. It is  a medicinal plant ,can cure so many diseases like cough and cold etc. it is also mosquito repellent, malaria is very less where Tulasi plants are cultivated as research declared.

Suppose a man is staying in a village or in a small town, that man aspires to go to better township or to another city for more comfort of probabilities and facilities. Like wise, great souls who lived thousands of lives in this world want to go back to his pristine place of origin, the heaven. If you observe any man coming to your house repeatedly to take some food and going back end numbers of time; what will you say, you would say, obsession, madness; the man is coming, taking some food and again coming for same thing. You would say to stop him coming. Mankind is doing the same thing. Coming to this world, loading and unloading for long time, leaving and coming back again for end number of times. So, when some saints tell us to stop this business of coming and going, why not we take it easy.

It is up to individual to take liberation or not in this life, but why not he aspires to get liberated from unending desires which leads him to so many sufferances. At least, we can liberate ourselves from bondage of ignorance. Let us live in light and bliss of God communion. If people die in third world war or by isil militants who want to establish Saria law all over the world and decimate all other religion from face of earth; then distressed soul has to come back again to develop harmony and regain the spiritual height which they reached in last life. We should educate people that God is one; no fight by name of different religion.

All good people of all religions must unite together to usher in golden age, thus avoiding ensuing third world war as envisioned by Nostradamus 450 years back. All good people of the world, joining together can bring central world government to defunct border issues; making this world heaven itself. Everything grand is possible by Grace of God. Why not try?


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