Brahmacharya means the state of abiding in Brahman [God] or who strives for achieving that blissful state of Brahman and it has great relevance now to counteract rampant social perversions of all shades. It is the need of the hour. Continence or abstinence is the foundation stone on which Moksha[liberation] stands. Importance of Bramacharya is depicted in Yajur veda. It should be pursued with focused goal. Brahmacharya can give rise to world leaders who can save the mankind from all natural and man made disasters. Transgression of nature gives natural calamity. Saints know how to live with nature. Brahmacharya  means maintaining purity of word, deed and thought. In Sanskrit, it is called  trikarna  suddhi. At first one should  practice celibacy; true Brahmacharya is  not post graduation or PHD. Brahmacharya means constant integration of individual psyche with God consciousness; it is mostly possible after one is steady at celibacy. That integrated awareness of supreme self is facilitated when one has his Guru or Satguru in human form. That’s why so many Godmen  take  birth in this world for redeeming mankind   through out ages. Jesus was one of them. His mother Mary put him in school of Essen monk for Brahmacharyam. In India Sathya Sai Baba ,Shirdi Baba,Mata Amritanamdamoyi Ma; Lahiri Mahasaya,Mother of pondicherry;Anadamoyi Ma; Ramakrishna Paramhamsa,Swami Vivekananda;Swami Yogananda and some other saints whom you have faith can be utilized to reach that higher state of spirituality. Brahmacharya is the basis of sainthood in later periods of life. Go to Mata Amritanandamoyi’s ashram at Amritapuri,kerala or Bharat Sevasram Sangha of Swami Pranavananda at Kolkata ,Bullyganj;you will see so many Brahmacharies and saints. In India innumerable ashrams are there where you will find more or less Brahmacharies affiliated with their Guru or Master.

If social order is not maintained, society will be disintegrated thus destroying bright future of mankind. If you want your next generations to survive with dignity; you must contribute and foster the school of Brahmacharya which gives rise to able social leaders in form of real saints. Political leaders are not doing great job; rather they are bringing national and international chaos. Jesus said, if 10 pious people are there in any city, that city will be protected by God. So to protect our society and country and world, we need some saints   to maintain harmony and order  .  Fifteen thousand    five hundred  nuclear bombs are there as of now in our world, any time third world war may come, whole world may be destroyed. Who will bring peace to mankind  to  avoid nuclear warfare  ? It is possible by some great saints.   saints are made after Brahmacharya is established. That’s why,Sathya Sai Baba advised some of His  college students to maintain Brahmacharya. A lot of His students are Brahmacharies. If you want to see living avatar of Godhead, you can see Mata Amritanandamoyi of Kerala. There, she has made a lot of Brahmacharies and saints. Go and see and then you will believe. She is love incarnate. I have no doubt that she is the embodiment of Mother Kali.   I read it in one of her book  and  I also have my own personal experience to say so. If people pray to photograph of great avatars like SaiBaba, Mahavatar Babaji,Amritanandamoyi Maa and other great saints, they will help them to protect their Brahmacharya.

I was reading Zoology in time of my BSC course. There I find one fish which dies just after one coitus. From that, I learned the role of celibacy. Although I read books on Brahmacharya,I wanted to understated it scientifically. In Animal kingdom, you may observe such phenomena in other species also in some cases. It means energy is to be conserved for higher purpose. To clarify it scientifically, simple water flowing does not help mankind in great way. But if same water is horded by dam  to raise its height and used to harness electricity, then so many   houses  remains lit at night. Brahmacharies and subsequently saints can light the dark nights of others by their power of blessings and prayers for some simple hearted souls. Lord Krishna was tending cows as they were innocent, meek animals. Likewise, Jesus loved lambs, because they were meek and innocent. To protect good peoples, some powerful people are required; they are called saints and Brahmacharies in prior stage. So You Brahmacharies and would be Brahmacharies are no joke. Brahmacharya is possible even after marriage. True loyalty to each other on the basis of spirituality and avoiding illicit relation is Brahmacharya of married life. Spiritual partnership is the basis of Brahmacharya in marriage life. Ramakrishna Paramhamsa was married;Lahiri Mahasaya was married   . They were great yogis. If honesty of purpose and Grace of God is there, any body can become saint. If infatuation, possession and obsession do not rule marriage life, one can practice Brahmacharya in married life. By the way, I know one married couple who got instruction by God [ their Satguru] not to have children although both are very healthy. I am sure; they will get liberation in this life only.

Brahmacharya conserves energy; vital energy get sublimated to spiritual energy; raises Kundalini or serpent powers thus giving special energy level to the practitioner by which he or she can render great social service. They can give solace to mankind. When one is busy in social service, lust do not find time to enter their heart  . Gods protection comes thus saving Brahmacharies from domain of evil power or devil. We are not supposed to learn from animals which present generation of mankind does in its utter ignorance and perversions. Animal life is not true freedom. Recently, One Italian young lady sent her uninhibited postures to her friends, which went viral in internet. Then she went to court to stop that and ultimately she committed suicide. If she is really free in her body postures, why she committed suicide? Her conscience did not agree to animal freedom, although, she was happy at the outset while video of animal instincts were taken. Media teach animal freedom and highlight it in television and films. Present educational system must be changed .Teachers and parents must teach real truth to their wards. If animal freedom of physical intimacy is to be followed, one may take birth as animals, why take birth as man! Man has got higher purpose in life, ultimately to merge with the source, Godhead. Those who indulge in animal pleasures, they get birth of animals in subsequent rebirth. It was declared by Lord Sri Krishna to Arjuna. Animal can’t control instincts and sensual urges as they have no discriminatory and reasoning power. Hindu scriptures made rules and regulation in social life so that vital energy can be transmuted to Ojas, a higher form of energy to rejuvenate central nervous system.

Role of diet and control of gaze at women are very important in maintaining Brahmacharya. Why put hands on fire! Food should be in moderation; it should be sattvic food. The real meaning of forbidden fruit of Bible can be understood if you read “Autobiography of a Yogi” by Swami Yogananda. He has explained it scientifically.

Why man wants to fulfill his desires? Answer is ego satisfaction. If ego can be annihilated, vital desires can’t dictate terms with us. Ego is unreal, it is illusion. It is assumption of mind. To make it clear, let me tell you one true story; you might have heard it. A cowherd observed, the rope which tied the cow to a post was torn badly. It was not possible to bring new rope. One wise man advised him to show the cow that it is tied to the post. Although rope was not tied in reality, the cow did not leave the post. When evening came, cow is to be taken home from grazing field; the cow was not leaving the post in spite of pushing. Then again wise man advised to show the cow that it is untied from the post. The cowherd boy did accordingly and cow left the post. Human mind acts like the post. Likewise, Guru does something through his interaction with disciples so that people believe they are untied from mind’s assumption and their ego vanishes, making them saintly if not saint. Our young generation is imitating west in their attitude of lust; media learning has become a menace, as all types of perversions are fostered by multi media. Spiritual values of ancient India must be brought back if India has to become the engine of the world train. Desire for lust is a neurotic tendency of mankind. By power of reasoning on basis of religion and spiritualism like scriptural instructions etc. one can overcome the foolishness of physical desires.
 SaiBaba Said,”Embodiments of Love! There is no need to search for God anywhere, says the Bible. Today people are in search of God. Why do you search for Him when He is everywhere? You are God. All spiritual practices (sadhana) will go in vain if you do not know your true identity. Instead of asking others, “Who are you?” it is better to ask yourself, “Who am I?” “This is my book”, we say. Then who is this “I”? This feeling of “my” is illusion (maya). Know who you are. All this is matter, it is negative. You are the master of this material world. Master the mind and be a mastermind. Make every effort to know your true identity. To know this, you should first give up body attachment. People are heroes in doing experiments in the laboratory, but zeroes in experience. Instead, be heroes in the practical field.”- Divine Discourse, March 14,1999.
 Goal of Brahmacharya is to reduce and ultimately to annihilate the body consciousness. We must stop the neurotic tendency of pleasure seeking by controlling sense organs. It is wiser to fold hands in front of chest in time of greeting each other as Indians do than shake hands. It will also save you from getting contaminated by bacteria, virus, fungus,protozoa and other pathogens. May I remind you words of God man Sai Baba again” Pine for the Lord, like a young calf pines for its mother! Take a young calf into a place where there are a thousand cows and leave it loose. It will find its own mother - every calf will do it right! So too, you must know where you get all your sustenance and support from. Every being gets its succor and relief only from God, from whom you have originated. Take to the spiritual path, with a sense of urgency for, death is waiting to snatch life from you! Forget all petty desires. Do not revel and waste precious moments in empty pleasures. The reason you do so is only because you identify yourself with the body. The body is but a dwelling place, a vehicle, and encasement. See yourself as a resident in it, and almost immediately, your grief will disappear. You will become less egocentric and feel kinship with others, who like you are mere residents in their bodies.”- Divine Discourse, Feb 20, 1966

Brahmacharya is to practice all those advise of God man and teachings of scriptures. 
Scripture declared, “Rasad raktam tato mamsam,mamsam medah prajayate,medososthi tato majja ,majjayet sukra sambhavati”—from food chyle gets formed; then blood, from blood result flesh, from flesh fat particles, from that bone; from bone marrow, from marrow semen is formed. It shows how precious semen is. More wastage leads to more weakness of vitality. Yogasastra declared,” Maranam bindupatanat,jivanam bindu raksanat” meaning thereby, loss of semen aggravate death, life prolonged by preserving semen. Semen is vital for man. The hidden treasure of semen lends power to intellect to discriminate temporary pleasures from eternal happiness. Dr E.P. Miller wrote: “All waste of spermatic secretion, whether voluntary or involuntary, is a direct waste of life force. It is almost universally conceded that the choicest element of blood enters into the component of the spermatic secretion. If these conclusions are correct then it follows that a chaste life is essential to man’s well being.” The Veda proclaimed, “Brahmacharyena tapasa dev mrityum upaghnata” By Brahmacharya and penance, the Devas[  highly empowered celestial beings] have conquered death. For examples, by power of Brahmacharya Hanuman could conquer all enemies of life; Laksmana could kill Meghanade,son of Ravana,Bhishma, grandfather of Pandavas and Kauravas conquered death even.

Embodiment of Love, may I remind all   mothers about their responsibility while pregnan cy. Brahmacharies or great souls can take birth if mother maintain purity of thought, word and deed during pregnancy period. If mother read dirty novels, or see vulgar films or all perversions in smart phone; televisions etc, during pregnancy time, the child would be primed to become a lustful man. Brahmacharya will not be possible by such child. That’s why in Hindu system, a lot of spiritual instructions are given to Mother while pregnant. They are supposed to worship God, go to holy temples etc. Prahlad became a great spiritual entity because his mother heard a lot of spiritual stories of Lord Krishna told to her by Narada  in time of her pregnancy although his father was a demon. Such is the power of impression to child during pregnancy. SaiBaba said about this to two Brahmacharini at Puttaparthi while they were adolescence. Later both of them became saint, I met them many times. They were sent to Rishikesh to do austerity for two years by taking Ganga water by two hands only one time in a day and one handful of Curry leaves, no other food. Swami Sivananda was taking care of them. Most of the time, they were meditating. That way, they overcame body consciousness. 
May I remind you words of Swami Shivananda,” You must not labor under the delusion that you have eradicated the lust completely by adjusting the diet a bit, by practicing Pranayama and by doing a little Japa, and that you have nothing more to do. Temptation or Mara may overcome you at any moment. Eternal vigilance and rigorous Sadhana are very essential. You cannot attain perfect Brahmacharya by limited effort. Just as a machine gun is necessary to kill a powerful enemy, so also constant, rigorous, powerful Sadhana is necessary to annihilate this powerful enemy, lust. You must not be puffed up with pride for your little achievement in celibacy. If you are put to test you will hopelessly fail. You must be ever conscious of your shortcomings and you must constantly strive to get rid of them. Highest effort is necessary. Then only you will have sanguine success in this direction.”

Once I met one Brahmachari at Bharat Sevasram sangha of Kolkata headquarter and seeing him very sincere, I asked him how come he became a Brahmachari in this ashram thus sacrifying marriage and material life .He said that he himself did not know why. After he became Brahmachari,his mother disclosed the secret. His mother came to same ashram and saw glow of honesty and spirituality in faces of some Brahmacharies. While she bow down to Swami Pranabananda, the founder of that Ashram, she prayed to the photo of that Guru to take one of her child as Brahmachari. By the way, Swami Pranabananda was such a  Brahmachari and saint later ,he never looked at any women except his mother. He is no more but his ashrams all over India and abroad is full of Brahmacharies and saints. He guides those saints and Brahmacharies from astral level and modulate their mind   provided they remain open to his guidance by accepting him unconditionally. Devotees of God must remain open to such grace by doing some spiritual practices as suggested by Godman and scriptures. First requisite is to do satsang, holy company of saints and holy men. Almighty God wanted me to know the secret of Brahmacharya, for whatever reason it might be. For some months, may be a year; I was maintaining some scriptural requisite of Brahmacharya including celibacy. One day, I felt something like Samadhi; unusual blissful state; as if going to lose body consciousness. I was not chanting any name of God particularly, even if, it was not regular. I got scared, if it continues, I can’t continue my professional and family responsibility. I prayed to come out of that blissful state. I searched for that temporary ecstasy. My answer was simple celibacy; it was for more time. I got the modus operendi also. But I can’t disclose it. Esoteric truth must not be disclosed. From that experience, I can say, celibacy is scientific and a great thing. Along with celibacy, if other things done regularly like Kriya technique of meditation, any other form of meditation or chanting name of God etc, one may get established to Brahmacharya. If Brahmacharya maintained for long time, one may become aspect of God. Then some power of God comes. At that time, people may call him or her as saint. But a word of caution, if purity is broken, selfishness and ego rises; one may fall from great height of Himalaya; some injury may be inevitable. Fall from height of Kundalini may be painful, some may lose mental balance. That’s why Guru is must in path of Yoga. If you need guidance of a living Godman who can even initiate you to Brahmacharya;you go to Mata Amritanandamayi of Kerala. She gives Mantra deeksha[initiation] also to those who need it. Ammachi says,"Each and every drop of Mother’s blood, each and every particle of her energy is for her children [devotees]. . . . The purpose of this body and of Mother’s whole life is to serve her children. Mother’s only wish is that her hands should always be on someone’s shoulders, consoling and caressing them and wiping their tears, even while breathing her last." This is Amma Amritanandamayi. Her definition of Dharma is “right action in right place at the right time.”

Women who practice chastity are called Brahmacharinis. By that force of Brahmacharya , women can do miracles. Nalayani, by the power of chastity stopped the rising of the sun to save her husband’s life. Anasuya turned the Trimurtis—Brahma, Vishnu and Mahesvara to children when they wanted Nirvana Bhiksha. It is through the power of chastity only; she was able to turn the Great Deities to children. By same power, Savitri brought back the life of Satyavan, her husband, from the noose of Yama . Such is the glory of great womanhood. Such is the power of chastity or Brahmacharya. Women who lead a householder’s life with chastity can also become an Anasuya, Nalayani or Savitri.

I remember one real incident related by a Himalayan yogi to me. He was doing pilgrimage and came to know that one Shiva temple is there in a powerful spiritual seat of India where people do not go at night for some reasons. Being a pure Yogi, he was fearless. He went there. He heard a voice in Sanskrit, who is there? He answered in Sanskrit and told his name. It was very old Sanskrit. But that Yogi was speaking in Sanskrit in his house also with his father. So, he could manage to interact. That cursed super spirit of that Shiva temple guided him in spiritual path, told him to go somewhere in midnight to get blessings of Yoginis. When he went there, he was tested. Ordinary mortal could have developed heart attack. When he sat for meditation on that designated place advised by that super spirit, he heard hissing sound. He opened his eyes and saw so many cobras are hissing around him. He shut his eyes and continued his mantra, mystic formula. Little fear came; he was sweating; he remembered his guru; he was a great devotee of Sathya Sai Baba. After some time, hissing stopped, got some sweet smell, and then heard sweet melody. Opened his eyes, he saw a lot of colorful Yoginis with colorful dresses flying in air around him; asking him what he wants. Those Yoginis helped him in his sadhana for some period of his life. He did not disclose further. While interacting, that living Yogi or Sadhak asked that super spirit,” Who are you? Why are you in spirit form, why not you take birth?” That spirit answered that He was a great yogi in that temple ,some three hundred years back, but he did a mistake for which he was cursed to remain in spirit form for some 700 years; after that he would come ,atone for the mistake and may get librated. Path of Yoga is walking upon sharp edge of a sword, as declared by scriptures. My idea of divulging that secret story without permission of that yogi is to remind would be yogis to maintain purity in strict sense once the path is taken.

O mankind, it is foolish to remain puppet of passion life after life. It is animal instinct. By treading path of knowledge, one can tear asunder that net of illusion. It is very difficult but not impossible. Some great saints achieved it in past. So, why not you? One should strive to remain in witness state just watching thoughts. Anybody and everybody can’t become Brahmachari. Those, in their past lives opted for it or wanted sincerely to come out of ill health and sufferance’s due lack of Brahmacharya, they will have more inclination to follow Brahmacharya. One may not like it as he likes worldly pleasures, but he should not oppose it if other likes to undergo Brahmacharya. A Brahmachari is like an incense stick that burns itself to bestow fragrance to society. 
Many years back, I came to Puttaparthi to see Sathya Sai Baba. There I met one Nepali devotee, who was a Brahmachari. I saw so many lady devotees of Nepal interacting with him, some are young. I thought to advise him for getting married. So, I told him to get married. Then he said, Sai Baba asked him in his dream, why not get married! My idea of sharing this story is to highlight the fact that Bramachari is not made in one life; it must have some seeds of past lives. He was saint in his past three lives staying in same ashram of Nepal. This is his last life; he is pure Brahmachari and a great social worker. He wrote a book, “My dreams”, SaiBaba used to come in his dream and advise him so many things.

 Bad imagination is almost equal to bad act. If bad thought comes, do not act on it. In the path of continence and chastity, it might come but resist it by Grace of God and your will power. One must be obedient to his Guru or Master without questioning. Guru may empower you by giving initiation by Mantra or yogic technique or both.
Swami Vivekananda said,” Power comes to people who do Brahmacharya for twelve years.” Only a powerful flow of water can do hydraulic mining. He attributed his phenomenal mental power to a life long observation of Brahmacharya. His disciple asked so many points from 12 volumes of Encyclopedia Britannia to him, he answered exactly to the astonishment of his disciple. It was not possible from human level. He said,” Do you see, simply by observance of strict Brahmacharya [continence] ,all learning can be mastered in a very short time. It is owing to this want of continence that everything is on the brink of ruin in our country. Without chastity, there can be no special strength.” India needs a lot of Brahmacharins and Brahmacharinis to come back to its ancient glory attained by following Vedas and Upanishads.

Once I was sitting by side of Mata Amritanadamayi in her Ashram at Amritapuri, Kerala. Three Brahmachari doctors were also there around me. She was hugging devotees continuously from 9am to 10-30pm. She was advising them on their needs and giving them mental solace in a blissful state all throughout her interaction with them. Suddenly, she turned toward me; I was in her right side and told those Brahmachari doctors are strict Brahmacharies and made a typical gesture by closing her right fist. That time, I did not know that I will be writing this article on celibacy, but she knew. She wanted me to highlight magnitude of celibacy and purity. Most people fall short of it. At personal level, she told me that in married life also, one can be strict and it was a reminder for me. May be, it is a reminder for you too if you are in same path of self realization. If you are reading this article, you are destined to tread the path of Brahmacharya if not this life, next life.
The Srutis declare: “Naayam Atma balaheenena labhyah—This Atman is not attainable by a weak man.” In the Gita ,we find: “Yadichhanto brahmacharyam charanti— Brahmacharya is performed by taking note of that” (Chap. VIII-11). “Trividham narakasyedam dvaram nasanamatmanah; kamah krodhastatha lobhastasmad etat trayam tyajet—O Arjuna! There are three gates to reach hell, destructive of the Self; lust, wrath and greed: therefore let man renounce these three” (Chap. XVI-21). “Jahi satrum mahabaho kamarupam durasadam— let us kill this powerful enemy, passion, by the observance of Brahmacharya” (Chap. III-43). 
 Just as the oil through a wick burns with glowing light so also the Veerya or semen flows up by the practice of Yoga Sadhana and is converted into Tejas or Ojas. The Brahmachari shines with golden Aura in his face. Brahmacharya is the divine light that shines in human body. It is the fully-blossomed flower of physical existence around which the bees of strength, patience, knowledge and purity and Dhriti roam about humming joyfully.  Brahmacharya will enable one to be endowed with such qualities. Scriptures proclaim emphatically: “Ayustejo balam veeryam vidya shrih kirtireva cha; punyam cha satpriyatvam cha vardhate brahmacharyaya—By the practice of Brahmacharya, longevity, glory, strength, vigor, knowledge, wealth, undying fame, virtues and devotion to Truth increases.
Do you know why sages made the rule for Hindus to worship Mother Durga and Mother Kali! Before that, let me tell you on episode in the life of Ramakrishna Paramhamsa,the Guru of Swami Vivekananda. Although he was married, he was not staying with his wife like ordinary husband and wife. Some of his disciple thought, he requires satisfying his physical urge or they might be thinking to test his Brahmacharya. His own relative took him to red light area by name of market place and told him to wait and they left. Earlier they fixed four beautiful girls to seduce him to lust by paying them good amount of money. When those girls came in front of him, Ramakrishna developed ecstasy and exclaimed, “Mother, You are in this market place also”. Those girls fell at his feet and asked pardon to him. Ramakrishna saw Mother Kali in their face and that thinking of divinity in them changed lust of those girls to love of God. This intense feeling of divinity induced by Ramakrishna transformed their life subsequently. So, now, it may be clear to my reader why Sanatan Dharma [presently known as Hindu dharma] taught people to worship God in form of beautiful women as Mother Durga. Every year, in time of Durga Puja, we children used to see so many Durga idols, one more beautiful looking than other. It taught us to see women with love and reverence. One day, we 4 friends were coming from school, class nine, to home. We saw one beautiful girl, one said; she looks like mother Durga and all of us agreed. BY the way, we were not seeing television or reading any dirty novel nor going to cinema usually. This is the science of Durga worship or idol worship in women forms; leaving aside the spiritual significance of invoking formless energy aspect of God in the form to develop concentration on the divine mood. Now, let me tell, why Kali worship, which remains without dress, looks fiery; ready to fight. Keeping aside the spiritual explanation, materially, who loves mother Kali, can with stand a fiery women colleague or nagging wife who fights on every little occasion . . Hindu sages made this idea of worship of idols for training young child and adult to with stand different types of personalities in day to day life over and above the spiritual benefits of praying to energy in form of matter. We know that matter can be transformed to energy. We need energy for our healthy survival. This is the physics of idol worship in Hindu system. Let me tell you a great secret; just follow it. Mantra mulam,Guru bakyam;whatever Sat guru says, it must be done. On the day of Durga Astami, give a fruit on hands of your living mother, may  be a banana or any other fruit and bow down to her, both hands clasped together touching her back of heels, your forehead on her both great toes, ask for all auspiciousness to her in mind level. That day, she gets the special power to bless her children by Grace of Mother Durga.
If you read Gita, you will find Lord Krishna advised Arjuna [representing man in battle field]:”Tasmat Yogee bhava Arjuna”.Arjuna was depressed and was not able to fight the situation in front of him. To enable him, he was advised that if he develops quality of a Yogi, it is easy to fight effectively the hurdles of human life. Brahmacharya is the basis of attaining the state of Yogi. Path is from impurity to purity; for that one should not be a puppet in hands of passion. Man must develop the power of discrimination, to differentiate the truth from untruth. Sadguru as Arjuna had Lord Krishna, helps disciple to be cured of deep wounds of this or of past lives. A disciple must be ready to be disciplined. Obedience and humility becomes a spontaneous faculty in presence of Satguru or Guru. We should introspect and try to learn from the powerful and divine experiences that come in life when we believe in God and or  when we are  associated with Godman. A Brahmachari should feel all others as his extension; feeling of oneness comes from self realization.
In Bhagavatam,it is written that a Brahmachari should not take bath daily, should not cut hair  and other apparently non scientific ideas. These are temporary advice, not for following life long .Once; I went to a Kumbh Mela where sadhus and Brahmacharies come from different parts of India along with millions of holy man in pilgrimage. It was in Allahabad. I met a   lady, a lawyer introduced by a saint of the ashram where I was staying. She took me to show a great saint. That saint had a Brahmachari who was full of beard. I heard the lady saying to that Brahmachari, “I do not like to come near you; as you do not cut beard; do not wash mouth by tooth paste; not using soap on body as part of your ritual of Brahmachari; bad smell on your body.” I got the answer; why scriptures gave such idea for Brahmachari. That lady was very friendly with so many saints. These are like mosquito repellent. Attraction is reduced by beard and awkward smell due non regular bathing acts as repellant. Non regular bath also reduce skin stimulation thus subduing sensation of pleasure input of oil message. Passionate women won’t like to come near such Brahmacharis. A sapling is to be protected by fence so that other animal can’t eat the sapling. When the tree becomes hard and long, goats of passion can’t reach the leaves. Those scriptural rituals also help in the maintenance and reinforcement of vow of Brahmacharya. Another advice to them is that they should use wooden sandal. It insulates their energy level not reduced by going down to earth. More over, wooden sandal, is not allergic .I remember, I used such wooden sandal while at home for some time.
 After attaining puberty, all boys and girls should maintain principle of Brahmacharya until get married. Those who decide to continue Brahmacharya for higher purpose of self realization, they may continue. Some of those who continue, when successful, may become saints and serve society by giving spiritual service. Benevolent thoughts of real saints are enough to serve the world. They do without doing. That’s why saints of all religions are respected by people. Saints are saints, they can serve people of all religion, as God is one, there is only one religion, religion of love in action.
Even if some people do not believe in God and religion, they must advocate Brahmacharya to save their children from physically contagious diseases like AIDS, Syphilis, Gonorrhea, Hepatitis C etc.  This time bound Brahmacharya is for 12 years or up to marriage. Life time Brahmacharya is for high level spiritual people. My dear, if you think you are not highly spiritual but had land up in Brahmacharya somehow; here my explanation,” If God wants you to remain Brahmachari life long, remain as Brahmachari; say.O,lord, let Thy will be done in my life”. He knows what is best for you. This Brahmacharya in this life without any apparent transformation in your eye may make you a great saint in next life. Believe in law of Karma, deed and destiny. While in life, you do not see the fruit of Brahmacharya, but after death, you may find that you are liberated from shackles of birth and death. So, rejoice”. We have the right to act, result lies in His hand. Discipline and discrimination in Brahmacharya help us to get cured of the greatest disease of mankind: birth and death. There is neither birth nor death when we merge in God.
If our Brahmacharies and good people of this world do not bring harmony and peace in this world; then what will happen! If Prime Minister Modi of India becomes a great world leader, credit will go to his Brahmacharyam. In 2016, Russian President was informed by President of America about Alien’s invasion expected in September,2017 after NASA’s satellite revealed an incoming miles wide UFOs entered our system. On April, 4, 1561, skies over Nuremberg ,Germany ,hundreds of UFOS were seen engaged in a battle witnessed by thousands—aerial battle had images. Nostradamus had prophesied on aliens coming to this world. In Revelation,19-11,it says,’ I saw a heaven open and ‘a white horse’ and Revelation 19-14 says,’ and the armies in heaven follow open white horses’. I do believe that Pyramid of Egypt and other places were build by Aliens. Some 35 years back, I read Dr T.L.Rampa, not his real name. He was a clairvoyant Tibetan monk. He had written many books including “Third Eye”. His third eye was operated by Aliens of a UFO telling him by telepathy that it would help him to predict world affairs. He predicted, Tibet will be a free country again. He predicted that Aliens from other world will come and stay with us making a race of ‘Tan’. It means the color of skin of that new race will be tan, not as white as white Christians are. Aliens are guardians of the earth. They would come if they sense that mankind is ready to enact 3rd world war to destroy it completely. Rampa wrote, there is super intelligent life at Mars. In 2016,NASA detected house structure and man in Mars. One of the human body, I saw in internet look of the human of Mars similar to what some people saw when they saw UFO and its people in earth. I do believe that long UFO heading towards our planet is not coming to destroy us but to inhabit earth. They are coming most probably from Mars where living condition is not good, nutritious foods are not available there. You can see, all photograph captured of Aliens, they are not as healthy as some healthy people of this earth are. Dr. Rampa also reveled that there is a hollow earth, some call it AGARTHA. Hindu mythology story corroborate it. When Lord Vamana, avatar of Lord Vishnu tested king Vali of Kerala; Lord told him to go to underground world [patala] and rule it. In Ramayana also, there is a reference of Patala, where Rama was kidnapped. Hanuman rescued him from getting killed there. I have reason to say, those hollow earth people also have UFOs. To prove that Aliens are guardians of earth, I remind you the present surge of UFO viewing when wars are going on; even world leaders are using the term world war 3. My request to all world leaders and Brahmacharies of different countries of the world is to make this earth a congenial place to live so that Aliens appreciate earth people as wiser than them. By Dr. Debdas Bagchi


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